
18 May 2022

How to Find the Hidden Talent in Your Child?

Every child is special. Their minds run faster than the speed of light. Creative thinking is what makes children different from their parents. It is rightly said that

“Each other person is born with talents.” So is your child!

What does my child enjoy doing the most? Solving puzzles or art and craft?

A crucial part of parenting is engaging with your toddler and knowing their interests. It not only helps you stay close to them, but also strengthens the bond.

The way children find joy in little things, portrays their passion for life and creativity. Passion is the fuel that discovers successful inventions, and inventions cannot be made without the discovery of hidden talent.

How do you find out the hidden talents of your child?

Let’s take a closer look at how to do it smoothly.

Time for Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is highly linked with how to discover your child’s hidden talent. As necessary as bookish knowledge in school, it is necessary to discover the number of talents hidden in your child. The journey won’t be as easy as playing hide-and-seek, but it’s surely worth engaging in.

Computerised Reality

Now get-togethers and birthday parties are held over Zoom Calls and gym time is on fitness apps. Reaching the other hemisphere of the globe through digital means has been that easy!

According to the latest report, children have surprisingly increased their time spent on social networking apps by 25%. Let’s make healthy use of the same for children to grow academically and non-academically.

A number of online apps, tutors, and classes are welcoming children with open arms to develop their skills and nurture their talent.

Why is it necessary to develop non-academic skills?

For children and their all-round development, it is necessary to know what they enjoy doing and how they spend their time. Nutrition for a healthy body and creativity for a healthy mind!  Mindful activities like reading, singing, writing, and skating will keep them busy as well as entertained in their non-academic learning and make space for creativity. At times it might be messy to teach them the basics but baby steps and patience can be the right ingredients for the recipe of excellence.

Modern learning has its own set of advantages, like building confidence, enhancing communication, making thinking abilities sharper, connecting socially and many others.

How do I explore the talent in my child?

  • Start taking note of what activities they love.
  • Spend time with them.
  • Allow them to solve quizzes and puzzles related to their interest.
  • Look for extracurricular activities that support their interest.
  • Make sure they have the right mentors for skill development and guidance.
  • Engage them in activities that are enjoyable.
  • Join them in the act to support their creativity.


Must-Read: Tips to Balance Academic and Extracurricular Activities


Mastering the skill at its best

Now that I know what my child’s passion is, what next?

We all know the saying, “Rome was not built in a day.” Similarly, a talent is not considered extraordinary unless it’s been well practised and polished. Daily engagement and active participation is necessary. Just like you prepare for academic exams, prepare to master your favourite skill. It’s that easy!

For instance, when you learn to skate, you fall once or twice, but after practice and consistent efforts, you also master it soon.

A passionate learner was never inconsistent

Discovering and nurturing hidden talent entails not only becoming competent in skills but also being consistent at it. Fun learning should never burden the child’s creative mind. The ideal way to master any skill is to enjoy the process too.

When children are aware of their talent, they feel more in tune with their life. It is also very useful for them to use it in the business world when they grow up. Whether they leverage those talents in their product or service and use them as a mere source of engagement in extracurricular activities, it is important to figure them out.

The process gets even more exciting when parents take active participation in giving helping hands to their children.

Never underestimate your abilities; there might be hidden talents that the world needs to see.

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